Troubleshooting A Capacitor On Your AC Unit

In order to make an AC unit more energy efficient, engineers will try to reduce energy consumption. For example, a fan requires more electricity to start than to continue running once in motion. Thus, if you use a motor that is strong enough to start your fan, you are wasting electricity running the motor once it starts. Engineers will use a capacitor to store electricity while the fan is running. This capacitor can then be used to give a quick burst of electricity to start your fan. Read More 

Want To Know If Your Heating Oil Prices Will Go Up? What To Watch

If you currently have a furnace that runs on heating oil, then you are familiar with the constant up and down pricing that can leave you guessing about the cost of heat next winter. While the fuel delivery companies only play a very small part in the pricing, the real pricing issues come from other sources. If you want to try your hand at predicting when fuel prices will go up or down, here is what you should watch for. Read More 

How Mini-Split Systems Fit In A Workplace

Choosing a cooling system for a business space presents challenges that you won't find in a residential setting. For example, commercial spaces are typically larger than the spaces you find in a home. A second challenge is that if you have office space in your building, you may have to worry about disputes over the thermostat settings. A mini-split system can work well to meet the needs of a commercial setting. Read More 

3 Alternatives To Conventional Air Conditioning That Will Take A Chunk Out Of Cooling Costs

With the summer heatwaves right around the corner, you probably are too excited about what you will be paying to keep your home cool and comfortable. Conventional HVAC systems can use a lot of energy during a hot summer's day, which is why you may want to consider switching to alternative solutions like passive cooling and ventilation or a combination evaporative cooling system. If you are looking for alternative ways to keep your home cool and lower your energy costs this summer, here are some ideas that may help: Read More 

Three Ways To Generate Heat In Your Home When You Heating System Is Down

There is a good chance that if your home's heating system decides to stop working, it is going to be in the dead of winter when your home is going to get cold really fast. Most heating repair specialists have an emergency repair line you can call when things go wrong, but you still may have to wait a while for a technician to arrive and make the repairs. In the meantime, you have to find a way to stay warm. Read More